UCSB Burning Skirts Ultimate

This website is no longer updated, but it has great history.
Here is a link to their current website: http://burningskirts.googlepages.com

Team Pictures and Info:
(please contact me if you have any corrections: joe@seidler.com)

Burning Skirts 1989 Burning Skirts 1999
Burning Skirts 1988 Burning Skirts 1998
1987 Burning Skirts 1997
1986 Burning Skirts 1996
1985 Burning Skirts 1995
Burning Skirts 1994
Burning Skirts 1993
Burning Skirts 1992
Burning Skirts 1991
Burning Skirts 1990
Burning Skirts 2000

ULTIMATE: The First Four Decades
a 'coffee table' book on the complete history of the sport

UPA College Division Women's Results