Condors women 2001

Top Row (from left to right):
Susan Schofer / Katie Mares / Gloria Ibarra / Marion Volpert / Olivia Gleser / Jenny Hanscom / Hannah Thompson / Jessica Hellyer / Jenn Caselle

Bottom (from left to right):
Jill Van Wie / Robin Hamilton / Tori St. Clair / Deg Shechter / Margaret Thomas / Rachel Noble / Andrea Kelly

Not shown: Monika Petroczy (injured)

2001 Roster:
Jenny Hanscom (captain)
Andrea Kelly
Jenn Caselle
Deganit Shechter
Gloria Ibarra
Rachel Noble
Robin Hamilton
Hannah Thompson

Margaret Thomas
Jill Van Wie
Monika Petroczy
Olivia Gleser
Jessica Hellyer
Marion Volpert
Tori St. Clair
Katie Mares
Susan Schofer

Sarasota, FL
Nov. 1-4, 2001

Finished 8th

Robin for the catch

Jessica for the grab ............................................ Katie on O

Final UPA Womens Rankings:

1. Godiva
2. Riot
3. Fury
3. Ozone
5. Safari
6. Backhoe
7. Schwa
9. Fuse
10. Ambush
11. Prime
12. Nemesis
13. Buttercup
14. Bait
15. Clutch
16. Wahine

Indio, CA
Oct. 6-7, 2001

Finished 1st

The women's division played a round robin with 7 teams. There was no backdoor game or finals.
• Condors beat Safari and Rare Air.
• Safari beat Rare Air.
• Condors (Santa Barbara) and Safari (San Diego) going to Nationals.

[photo compliments of Monika]

[photos below compliments of Brent Russell]

Jenny giving last minute instructions

The Lady Condors captain holding a pow wow