2001 Condors Tournaments
(page 3/4 of Condors tournaments in 2001)
San Diego, CA Sept. 22-23, 2001
The weather was beautiful and breazy in San Diego as the Condors defeated Peligro 13-8 in the final's game.
vs Disco Elvis........13-1
vs Dude, Sweet......13-2 vs USC..................(at 7-0 they forfeited and we did drills with them instead of playing 2nd half)
vs Smoke...............13-5
vs Darius..............13-3 (quarterfinals)
vs No Town.........13-3 (semifinals)
vs Peligro.............13-8 (finals)
1st: Condors
2nd: Peligro
3rd: No Town
4th: Old Glory (masters)
5th (tie): Dude, Sweet & The Usual Suspects (masters)
7th: Smoke
8th: Darius
9th: Penultimate
10th: Klusterhuck
11th: Disco Elvis
12th: UC San Diego
13th: USC
Indio, CA Oct. 6-7, 2001
vs Darius................15-3 vs Gold Rush.........15-3 vs Monsoon...........15-2
vs No Town...........15-2 vs Johnny Bravo....15-13 (finals)
Regionals Top Ten:
(by Dugan)
10. First 5 point goal scored by a Condor (Steets) Sunday against NoTown 9. Corey making the over at 2 (betting line - over/under on how many goals he'd throw = 1/2) 8. Jame's throws: Huck forehand- GOAL, Huck Hammer- GOAL, ... 7. Dinner with the Gavigans 6. Ted's jump in from OB, plant the foot and catch 5. NUTMEG! 4. Tommy's hammer to win the finals- should I? should I?... zing! 3. Taylor's block on the first throw off the pull at 10-8 2. SB Sweep!
and the #1 highlight from the weekend:
1. [censored] Interview with Adam Glimme.
[Recap compliments of Bill Burfeind:]
We had 4 or 5 sets of parents and many other Condor friends in attendance for the finals. Johnny Bravo started very strong and made very few mistakes in the first half. They pulled away to an 8 to 6 half-time score. When the second half stared the Condors gave away one more turnover and were down 10 to 7. Then the defense kicked in and the Condors gained momentum. They got two successive turnovers and soon tied Bravo at 11 to 11. From there they never looked back. They had one tough point to take it to 14 to 12. Bravo scored to make it 14 to 13, but the Condors worked it down to mid-field and then it was a hammer from Tommy to Dugan for the win. It made for a very exciting game and great finish as the defense took over and the Condors rallied for the championship.
[photos compliments of Brent Russell, except as shown]
Oh, he's awesome!........................................Is this a Hollywood or what?
Proper Ultimate nutrition is serious business
Looks like quite a party Saturday night at the Gavigans
The Condors are movie stars
Aren't Parents Great
The Burfeinds (is Tommy standing on a stool?) ...... Ryan Yarbrough and his mom and stepdad
Mike Namkung and his grandmother... wow
(photo compliments of Bill Burfeind)
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