Condors vs DoG

Condors vs DoG
Condor score (called back) - Jason Seidler
Score 9-9
DoG score - Nathan Wicks from Parinella
Score 10-10
Condor score - Steve Dugan
Score 11-10
DoG D - Brian Cameros
Score 12-10
Condor score - Brandon Steets
Score 13-11
Condor score - Ernie Aubin
Score 13-10
Condor high / DoG low
Score 14-11
Condor catch - Jimmy Price
DoG diving - Billy Rodriguez
Score 14-12
Condor catch - James Studarus
DoG reaching - John 'Bar' Axon
Score 14-12
Foul on Andy Crews by Lyn Debevoise
Score 14-12
Condor score - Taro Ramberg
Score 15-12
Condor high / DoG low
Score 15-12
Condor catch (part 1) - John Hammond
DoG leaping - Mooney
Score 15-12
Condor catch (part 2) - John Hammond
DoG leaping - Mooney
Score 15-12
Condor catch - James Studarus
Final Point
Score 17-14

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